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Documentary: In the Heart of the Mountain


Director Annegré Bosmann undertakes an arduous journey on a circuitous trail through Humla, a remote mountainous district in Nepal, close to the Tibetan

border. She accompanies the Nomads Clinic and documents their medical care of indigenous people, the transformative effect of the journey on the clinicians, the

effects of climate change and encroaching modern civilisation on these remote areas, as well as the need to preserve the wisdom of old shamanic traditions.

“Into the Heart of the Mountain” bears witness to an expedition where modern science, indigenous life and the elemental forces of nature become a mutually enriching, inspiring and healing interchange. Roshi Joan Halifax, as well as participating in the Nomads Clinic and being its founder 40 years ago, is the narrator of this documentary, and her words and teachings underscore this vision.

website | trailer

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